Sunday, October 28, 2007

Sorting Sizzlets

I couldn't stand the plastic cases that my Sizzlet Alphabet dies came in. They were always popping open. I decided to try storing them in a zippered 3-ring binder, using baseball card protector sheets. I picked up a few packs at Walmart and found the binders at Office depot. The zippered binder keeps all the dies in place and makes them easy to transport.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Endless Embellishments

I have so many embellishments that it was hard to find anything. One day I decided to sort them by theme. When I finished, I placed them in the 12x12 clear envelopes and labeled them. The result was thematic embellishments all in one place.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Acrylic Stamp Storage

I got this idea from my friend Joy. I am loving it already. I've even ordred some new stamps to fill up my empty page. I purchased a 2' x 4' sheet of polycarbonate (.020mm) from and cut it into 8.5" x 11". Then, I three hole punched it and added my stamps.